Association between peripheral plasma cytokine levels and suicidal ideation in first-episode, drug-naïve major depressive disorder
Tian X, Dong Y, Yuan J, Gao Y, Zhang C, Li M, Li J. Association between peripheral plasma cytokine levels and suicidal ideation in first-episode, drug-naïve major depressive disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2024, 165: 107042. PMID: 38613945, DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2024.107042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBeck Scale for Suicide Ideation-Chinese VersionChildhood Trauma QuestionnaireSuicidal ideationMDD patientsDepressive disorderFirst-episode drug-naive MDD patientsHamilton Depression Rating Scale-17Drug-naive MDD patientsIL-2 levelsMajor depressive disorderIL-2Plasma levelsIL-10HAMD-17First-episodeChildhood traumaTrauma QuestionnaireIL-8IL-6Plasma IL-2 levelsSuicide riskPlasma levels of cytokinesHAMA-14Stratified analysisIdeationGhrelin and depressive symptoms in patients with first‐episode drug‐naïve major depressive disorder: The mediating role of hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis
Zhang C, Dong Y, Li S, Li M, Gao Y, Liu Y, Liu X, Zhou C, Li J. Ghrelin and depressive symptoms in patients with first‐episode drug‐naïve major depressive disorder: The mediating role of hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 2024, 16: e12552. PMID: 38348641, DOI: 10.1111/appy.12552.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-episode drug-naive MDD patientsMajor depressive disorderHAMD total scoreDrug-naive MDD patientsMDD patientsDepressive symptomsCorticotropin-releasing-hormoneTotal scoreDepressive disorderPathogenesis of major depressive disorderMeasures of depressive symptomsHealthy controlsHypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axisHamilton Depression ScaleBody mass indexAdrenocorticotropic hormoneHAMD-17Plasma levels of ghrelinGhrelin levelsMediation analysisHAMDPartial correlation analysisDepression ScaleCortisol levelsLevels of ghrelinPlasma oxidative stress marker levels related to functional brain abnormalities in first-episode drug-naive major depressive disorder
Liu Y, Zhang B, Zhou Y, Li M, Gao Y, Qin W, Xie Y, Liu W, Jing Y, Li J. Plasma oxidative stress marker levels related to functional brain abnormalities in first-episode drug-naive major depressive disorder. Psychiatry Research 2024, 333: 115742. PMID: 38232568, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115742.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depressive disorderMajor depressive disorder patientsAmplitude of low-frequency fluctuationDepressive disorderSuicidal ideationWhole-brain functional connectivity analysisMDD pathophysiologyDrug-naive MDD patientsResting-state fMRI scansAmplitude of low-frequency fluctuation valuesFunctional brain abnormalitiesAnterior cingulate gyrusSuperior frontal gyrusFunctional connectivity analysisOxidative stress markersAbnormal brain functionLow-frequency fluctuationsPlasma oxidative stress markersMDD patientsFrontal gyrusFMRI scanningFirst-episodeCingulate gyrusBrain regionsConnectivity analysis