Andrea PaolellaSenior Administrative Assistant 2CardsContact Infoandrea.paolella@yale.eduLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutGet In TouchAndrea PaolellaAboutCopy LinkTitlesSenior Administrative Assistant 2Get In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailandrea.paolella@yale.eduSupported FacultyJane Cowan, MD, MPHAssistant Professor of Surgery (General, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care)Kimberly Davis, MD, MBA, FACS, FCCMProfessor of Surgery (General, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care); Chief of the Division of General Surgery, Trauma, and Surgical Critical Care, Surgery; Vice Chairman, Clinical Affairs, Department of Surgery; Trauma Medical Director, Yale-New Haven Hospital; Surgical Director, Performance and Quality Improvement, Yale-New Haven Hospital