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Seeking dedicated YSM Alumni to be involved with the alumni association

January 02, 2020

Are you a school of medicine alum looking for ways to stay connected to Yale, supporting our students, the school, and fellow alumni? Do you know classmates who would be strong advocates for YSM and alumni activities? Lillian Oshva, MD ’96, president of the Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine (AYAM) and chair of the AYAM Nominating Committee, seeks dedicated alumni to serve on one of the four working committees or stand for election to the AYAM Executive Committee.

The alumni association serves as a link between the school of medicine and its graduates, and helps alumni stay in touch with Yale while providing opportunities for social interaction, networking, and volunteer services. In our board membership, we seek diverse representation of our over 6,000 alumni: geographically and demographically. The Executive Committee is made of four officers, ten elected at-large members and six delegates to the University’s alumni association. Elections are held each spring. For more about the AYAM and committees, visit:

The Executive Committee meets three times per year in New Haven, typically October, February and April. There is also ongoing committee work with fellow committee members, and Alumni Relations and other campus offices staff to engage alumni with the school, and to identify ways the school can better serve student and alumni needs.

The first step is nominating fellow alumni or yourself - we welcome self-nominations - as candidates for these positions. Using the online submissions form, include a very brief statement how you or the nominee would be a valuable committee member. For more information about the AYAM, Dr. Oshva would be happy to answer questions and share information and can be reached at directly at

Please submit any nominations through the online submissions form by January 31, 2020. The Nominating Committee will review all nominations, interview candidates, and prepare a slate for election to the Executive Committee and make recommendations for working committee memberships. The ballot will be emailed to all alumni in April, and results announced during reunion weekend in June.

It is through individual recommendations of our alumni that we can identify dedicated alumni to help support YSM with their time and talent. If you think you or one of your peers would be a good person to have involved – don’t delay! Please reach out to AYAM today and let us start the conversation of getting involved.

Submitted by Tiffany Penn on January 03, 2020