Chapter 2 Methods of RBC Alloimmunization to ABO and Non-ABO Antigens, and Test Methodologies
Stendahl K, Tormey C, Baine I. Chapter 2 Methods of RBC Alloimmunization to ABO and Non-ABO Antigens, and Test Methodologies. 2020, 15-33. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-67509-3.00002-0.ChaptersRBC alloimmunizationRBC transfusionRBC antigensHematopoietic progenitor cell transplantCompatible blood productsCompatible RBC unitsIncompatible RBC transfusionHemolytic transfusion reactionsProgenitor cell transplantABO blood groupComplex clinical scenariosCell transplantABO compatibilityMolecular typing methodsTransfusion reactionsBlood productsSolid organsImmunologic conceptsClinical scenariosAntibody detectionRBC unitsAntigenPatientsBlood groupTransfusion medicine