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Template 3 Version 16.3: Updates and Fixes

February 17, 2016
by Mark Albis

The YSM Template 3 updates pushed live this week include:

  • Fixes for thumbnails appearing in video players
  • Fixes videos not playing correctly when certain templates appear on the same page
  • Added improved multi-video player modal to side column video gallery
  • Added improved multi-video player modal to video gallery grid
  • Fix for manually scrolling through banner images on mobile
  • Added new "user news" page so a user's full list of articles can be accessed from their profile by clicking the "More artciles" link on the news tab of their profile.
  • Changed format of H3's so they no longer appear in all caps.
  • Corrected usage of headings in several templates
  • Fixes for performance of tabbed search
  • "View full profile" link appears for all members in all people listings (headshot and name also still link to the user's full profile)
  • Display titles are now used for clinical trial widgets (previously used Brief Title, which could cause confusion)
  • Document file type indicators now appear next to links to documents in news articles.

If you have any questions for us or suggested imporvements for Template 3, please don't hesitate to contact us at