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  • Solve Leadership Honors Top Immunologist and Presents Solve Together Real-World Data Platform

    Solve President and CEO Emily Taylor, Chief Scientific Officer H. Timothy Hsiao, and Director of Advancement Ilise Friedman recently visited Yale School of Medicine’s Center for Infection & Immunity (CII), the Center Director, Sterling Professor Akiko Iwasaki, and her research team, as coordinated by Dr. Nicole Darricarrère, CII’s Scientific Program Director, in New Haven, CT. The Solve delegation honored Professor Iwasaki with an award to recognize her contributions to the study of infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses, and delivered an invited talk to the Iwasaki Lab to elaborate the power of the Solve Together Real-World Platform to accelerate biomedical research for post-acute infection syndromes, such as ME/CFS and Long Covid.

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  • Long Dismissed, Chronic Lyme Disease Is Finally Getting Its Moment

    Akiko Iwasaki, an immunobiologist at the Yale University School of Medicine, is working with Michael Tal at MIT to map an immune profile of chronic Lyme, analyzing patients’ blood and saliva samples to search for biological markers that may differentiate people who have long-term symptoms from those who don’t.

    Source: TIME
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  • Opinion: The Immunology of COVID and the Future

    If there's one person you'd want to talk to about immunology, the immune system and COVID, holes in our knowledge base about the complex immune system, and where the field is headed, it would be Professor Iwasaki. And add to that the topic of Women in Science. Here's our wide-ranging conversation.

    Source: Medscape
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  • Iwasaki Appears on Two “Time100” Lists

    In a span of three weeks, Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, was named to two prestigious Time100 lists. The first, published on April 17, named the world's 100 most influential people. The second, on May 2, specified the most influential people in health.

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Yale Explores | Boston, MA


Akiko Iwasaki - Inspiring Yale 2017

Inspiring Yale 2017 hosted by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.
April 14, 2017