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Research Interests

  • Gastric Acid Secretion
  • Colonic Fluid Transport
  • Renal Physiology
  • Intracellular Ion Activity Measurements
  • Calcium Sensing Receptor
  • Diarrheal disease, electrophysiology
  • CFTR
  • AMPKinase volume regulation

Current Projects

We are focused on 3 main areas:

  1. gastric ion transport in health and disease,
  2. intestinal ion transport in health and disease, and
  3. renal physiology.

For gastric ion transport we are focusing on means to modulate acid secretion and reverse erosion. We use a combination of natural products and biochemical modifications to treat acid disease at the cellular level.

For studies of intestinal ion transport, we are focusing on how the calcium sensing receptor(CaSR) can modulate fluid transport during toxin induced diarrhea. In addition we are investigating means to prevent ischemic injury by activating ionic pathways using the AMPKinase. Finally we are trying to prevent IBD/IBS associated epithelial injury in the gut by Casr activation.

For the renal studies we are interested in acid base homeostasis along the nephron, and are now investigating the role of the CaSR in modulating fluid secretion and renal stone formation.