honor Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
honor Member
activity YALE-UCL Collaborative
Abstract/SynopsisDr. Lifton is on the Joint Strategy Committee for the Yale-UCL Collaborative, an alliance which will provide opportunities for high-level scientific research, clinical and educational collaboration across the institutions involved: Yale University, Yale School of Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital and UCL (University College London) and UCL Partners
activity Transatlantic Network on Hypertension-Renal Salt Handling in the Control of Blood Pressure
Abstract/SynopsisDrs Hebert and Lifton will join leading researchers in Switzerland, France and Mexico in a transatlantic collaboration aimed at pinpointing the kidney’s role in high blood pressure.
honor Doctor of Science (Honorary)
honor Distinguished Scientist Award
honor Robert Tigerstedt Award
honor A. N. Richards Award
honor The Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences
honor Richard Bright Award
honor Member
honor The Basic Research Prize
honor Roy O. Greep Award
honor Pasarow Foundation Award for Medical Research
honor Member
honor Outstanding Mentor Award
honor Claude Amiel Award
honor Novartis Award for Hypertension Research
honor Homer Smith Award
honor Young Investigator Award