Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Women’s Sexual Health Clinic in the Management of Sexual and Menopausal Symptoms After Pelvic Radiotherapy
Li JY, D’Addario J, Tymon-Rosario J, Menderes G, Young MR, Johung K, Ratner E, Minkin MJ, Damast S. Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Women’s Sexual Health Clinic in the Management of Sexual and Menopausal Symptoms After Pelvic Radiotherapy. American Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2021, 44: 143-149. PMID: 33755031, DOI: 10.1097/coc.0000000000000800.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBrachytherapyCombined Modality TherapyDyspareuniaFemaleGenital Neoplasms, FemaleHumansInterdisciplinary CommunicationMenopauseMiddle AgedPatient SatisfactionPelvisRadiation InjuriesRadiotherapyRectal NeoplasmsRetrospective StudiesSexual Dysfunction, PhysiologicalSexual HealthTreatment OutcomeVaginal DiseasesWomen's Health ServicesConceptsPelvic radiotherapySexual health clinicsMenopausal symptomsPersistent menopausal symptomsSystemic hormone therapyFemale cancer patientsPatterns of careDilator therapyVaginal estrogenGastrointestinal malignanciesHormone therapyVaginal drynessMedian ageMultidisciplinary careRetrospective reviewFemale patientsTreatment patternsCancer patientsPatient satisfactionSexual symptomsTestosterone creamVaginal lubricantsHealth clinicsSTATA 13.1Patients
Stage III uterine serous carcinoma: modern trends in multimodality treatment
Li JY, Young MR, Huang G, Litkouhi B, Santin A, Schwartz PE, Damast S. Stage III uterine serous carcinoma: modern trends in multimodality treatment. Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology 2020, 31: e53. PMID: 32266802, PMCID: PMC7286763, DOI: 10.3802/jgo.2020.31.e53.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUterine serous carcinomaExternal beam RTVaginal brachytherapyOverall survivalHuman epidermal growth factor receptorModern treatment eraSentinel node samplingRegional nodal recurrenceKaplan-Meier estimatesLog-rank testCox proportional hazardsExternal beam radiotherapyEpidermal growth factor receptorERA treatmentGrowth factor receptorUSC patientsFree survivalNodal recurrenceTreatment eraMultimodality treatmentPatient characteristicsPerioperative periodRegional nodalSerous carcinomaNode sampling
Extended duration of dilator use beyond 1 year may reduce vaginal stenosis after intravaginal high-dose-rate brachytherapy
Stahl JM, Qian JM, Tien CJ, Carlson DJ, Chen Z, Ratner ES, Park HS, Damast S. Extended duration of dilator use beyond 1 year may reduce vaginal stenosis after intravaginal high-dose-rate brachytherapy. Supportive Care In Cancer 2018, 27: 1425-1433. PMID: 30187220, DOI: 10.1007/s00520-018-4441-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVaginal stenosisEndometrial carcinomaMultivariable Cox proportional hazardsMultivariable Cox regression analysisVD useAcademic tertiary referral centerTertiary referral centerCox regression analysisLog-rank testCox proportional hazardsDevelopment of gradeDilator usePelvic radiotherapyReferral centerNoncompliant patientsPrimary outcomeAdjuvant brachytherapyEC patientsConclusionsThe riskRate brachytherapyProportional hazardsOptimal durationPatientsBrachytherapyStudy period
Impact of vaginal cylinder diameter on outcomes following brachytherapy for early stage endometrial cancer
Qian JM, Stahl JM, Young MR, Ratner E, Damast S. Impact of vaginal cylinder diameter on outcomes following brachytherapy for early stage endometrial cancer. Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology 2017, 28: 0. PMID: 29027402, PMCID: PMC5641534, DOI: 10.3802/jgo.2017.28.e84.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBody Mass IndexBrachytherapyConstriction, PathologicDatabases, FactualEndometrial NeoplasmsFemaleGastrointestinal DiseasesGravidityHumansHysterectomyLymph Node ExcisionMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingOvariectomyRadiation InjuriesRadiotherapy, AdjuvantSalpingectomyTreatment OutcomeVaginaVaginal DiseasesConceptsVaginal brachytherapyVaginal symptomsLate grade 3 toxicityEarly-stage endometrial cancerNormal body mass indexAdjuvant vaginal brachytherapyGrade 3 toxicityShorter vaginal lengthStage endometrial cancerEndometrial cancer patientsBody mass indexRate of recurrenceAcute gastrointestinalTreatment tolerabilityVaginal stenosisEndometrial cancerVaginal lengthMass indexRecurrence rateCancer patientsVaginal toxicityTreatment characteristicsHigh riskSide effectsPatients
Factors Predictive of Improved Survival in Patients With Brain Metastases From Gynecologic Cancer A Single Institution Retrospective Study of 47 Cases and Review of the Literature
Gressel GM, Lundsberg LS, Altwerger G, Katchi T, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Ratner ES, Damast S. Factors Predictive of Improved Survival in Patients With Brain Metastases From Gynecologic Cancer A Single Institution Retrospective Study of 47 Cases and Review of the Literature. International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer 2015, 25: 1711-1716. PMID: 26332394, PMCID: PMC4623851, DOI: 10.1097/igc.0000000000000554.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrain metastatic diseaseEpithelial ovarian cancerBrain metastasesEndometrial cancerCervical cancerGynecologic cancerSurgical resectionTwo-year overall survival ratesLargest single-institution experienceSingle institution experienceOverall survival rateOverall survival dataMedian survival timeSignificant hazard ratioLong-term survivalHazard ratioMetastatic diseaseOverall survivalImproved survivalRetrospective reviewIntracranial metastasesPalliative carePoor prognosisCancer increasesFactors PredictivePredictors of vaginal stenosis after intravaginal high-dose-rate brachytherapy for endometrial carcinoma
Park HS, Ratner ES, Lucarelli L, Polizzi S, Higgins SA, Damast S. Predictors of vaginal stenosis after intravaginal high-dose-rate brachytherapy for endometrial carcinoma. Brachytherapy 2015, 14: 464-470. PMID: 25887343, DOI: 10.1016/j.brachy.2015.03.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVaginal stenosisDilator useIndependent predictorsEndometrial carcinomaTotal doseRate brachytherapyMultivariable logistic regression analysisExternal beam radiation therapyCommon Terminology CriteriaEffective adjuvant treatmentMonths of followupPost-treatment factorsBeam radiation therapyHigher total doseLogistic regression analysisTerminology CriteriaAdjuvant treatmentFollowup visitMean followupAdverse eventsLast followupMultivariable analysisRisk factorsRadiation therapyPatients
Sexual Functioning Among Endometrial Cancer Patients Treated With Adjuvant High-Dose-Rate Intra-Vaginal Radiation Therapy
Damast S, Alektiar KM, Goldfarb S, Eaton A, Patil S, Mosenkis J, Bennett A, Atkinson T, Jewell E, Leitao M, Barakat R, Carter J, Basch E. Sexual Functioning Among Endometrial Cancer Patients Treated With Adjuvant High-Dose-Rate Intra-Vaginal Radiation Therapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2012, 84: e187-e193. PMID: 22572074, PMCID: PMC5538259, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2012.03.030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdministration, IntravaginalAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBrachytherapyCross-Sectional StudiesDehydrationDilatationEndometrial NeoplasmsFemaleHumansHysterectomyLaparotomyLibidoMiddle AgedOrgasmPainPersonal SatisfactionRadiotherapy DosageRadiotherapy, AdjuvantReference ValuesRegression AnalysisRisk FactorsSexual Dysfunction, PhysiologicalSurveys and QuestionnairesVaginal Creams, Foams, and JelliesVaginal DiseasesYoung AdultConceptsFemale Sexual Function IndexEndometrial cancer patientsSexual dysfunctionFSFI scoreSexual functioningCancer patientsEarly stage endometrial cancer patientsQuestionnaire completionRates of SDLubricant useLower FSFI scoresSexual Function IndexPoor sexual functioningRadiation oncology clinicPostmenopausal statusSimple hysterectomyPostmenopausal populationOncology clinicAdjuvant brachytherapyEC patientsRisk factorsFunction IndexRadiation therapyHigh doseMultivariate analysis
Impact of Dose on Local Failure Rates After Image-Guided Reirradiation of Recurrent Paraspinal Metastases
Damast S, Wright J, Bilsky M, Hsu M, Zhang Z, Lovelock M, Cox B, Zatcky J, Yamada Y. Impact of Dose on Local Failure Rates After Image-Guided Reirradiation of Recurrent Paraspinal Metastases. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2010, 81: 819-826. PMID: 20888133, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2010.06.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImage-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapyLocal failure rateParaspinal metastasisImpact of doseDaily fractionsIncidence of myelopathySingle-fraction regimensRecords of patientsRisk of myelopathyIntensity-modulated radiotherapyCumulative incidenceEpidural diseaseField recurrenceDose groupProspective dataFailure rateTreatment characteristicsLF incidenceMetastasisIncidenceSignificant decreaseGyMyelopathyDoseIg
Locoregional Outcomes of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Standard Fractionation Radiation and Daily Skin Bolus in the Taxane Era
Damast S, Ho AY, Montgomery L, Fornier MN, Ishill N, Elkin E, Beal K, McCormick B. Locoregional Outcomes of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Standard Fractionation Radiation and Daily Skin Bolus in the Taxane Era. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2009, 77: 1105-1112. PMID: 19879068, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2009.06.042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsBreast NeoplasmsCapecitabineCarboplatinCyclophosphamideDeoxycytidineDisease-Free SurvivalDose Fractionation, RadiationDoxorubicinDrug Administration ScheduleEpirubicinFemaleFluorouracilHumansMastectomy, Modified RadicalMiddle AgedNeoadjuvant TherapyPaclitaxelRadiodermatitisRadiotherapy, AdjuvantRetrospective StudiesConceptsDistant metastasis-free survivalStandard fractionation radiationCombined-modality therapyInflammatory breast cancer patientsMetastasis-free survivalBreast cancer patientsLocoregional controlRadiation therapyLocoregional outcomeSkin bolusCancer patientsChest wallAdjuvant radiation therapyExcellent locoregional controlMajority of patientsSignificant therapeutic challengeScar boostTaxane eraIBC patientsRadical mastectomyRegional lymphaticsTherapeutic challengeDaily fractionsStandard fractionationPrescribed treatment
Do metallic ports in tissue expanders affect postmastectomy radiation delivery?
Damast S, Beal K, Ballangrud Å, Losasso TJ, Cordeiro PG, Disa JJ, Hong L, McCormick BL. Do metallic ports in tissue expanders affect postmastectomy radiation delivery? International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2006, 66: 305-310. PMID: 16904530, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2006.05.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostmastectomy radiation therapyTissue expanderTangent beamsPermanent implant exchangeDosimetric effectsChest wall treatmentMetallic portPermanent breast implantPotential dosimetric effectsMedian doseImplant exchangeEx vivo resultsThermoluminescent dosimetersRadiation therapyPatientsVolume of tissueBreast implantsRadiation deliveryPermanent implantsExit doseVivo resultsDoseMV photonsTreatmentImplants
Changes in cerebrospinal fluid neurochemistry during pregnancy
Altemus M, Fong J, Yang R, Damast S, Luine V, Ferguson D. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid neurochemistry during pregnancy. Biological Psychiatry 2004, 56: 386-392. PMID: 15364035, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2004.06.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPregnant womenCerebrospinal fluidCSF prolactinElective cesarean sectionHealthy nonpregnant womenCerebrospinal fluid neurochemistryLevels of prolactinCesarean sectionNonpregnant womenBrain GABACSF levelsNeurohormonal systemsBrain neurotransmittersCSF glutamateHomovanillic acidPregnancyBrain functionProlactinWomenPlasma samplesCSF oxytocinAminobutyric acidAlters regulationAnxietyNorepinephrine