Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with greater odds of complications following posterior lumbar fusion and further amplified for patients exposed to monoclonal antibody biologics
Seddio A, Katsnelson B, Smith-Voudouris J, Gouzoulis M, Day W, Jabbouri S, Vasudevan R, Rubio D, Grauer J. Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with greater odds of complications following posterior lumbar fusion and further amplified for patients exposed to monoclonal antibody biologics. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2024, 20: 100574. DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2024.100574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosterior lumbar fusionInflammatory bowel diseaseOdds ratioNational Inpatient SampleElixhauser Comorbidity IndexLumbar fusionBowel diseaseKaplan-Meier survival analysisEmergency departmentInflammatory bowel disease patientsLog-rank testMinor adverse eventsNon-IBD patientsIn-hospital dataMultivariate logistic regressionAssociated with greater oddsElevated odds ratiosReoperation rateSurgical complicationsSpine surgeryInferior outcomesPearlDiver databasePost-discharge outcomesAdult patientsAdverse eventsComparable Overall Risk of Neurologic Adverse Events Following Cervicothoracic Interlaminar and Transforaminal Epidural Injections: An Analysis of 1.29 Million Patients.
Seddio A, McNamara K, Gouzoulis M, Jabbouri S, Vasudevan R, Day W, Ratnasamy P, Rubio D, Grauer J. Comparable Overall Risk of Neurologic Adverse Events Following Cervicothoracic Interlaminar and Transforaminal Epidural Injections: An Analysis of 1.29 Million Patients. Spine 2024 PMID: 39394649, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000005181.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeurological adverse eventsAdverse eventsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexNeurological complicationsOdds ratioEpidural spinal injectionsInterlaminar (ILTransforaminal epidural injectionsAssociated with specific complicationsTransforaminal (TFNerve root injuryRisk of complicationsAssociated with higher odds ratiosMultivariate logistic regressionRisk of neurological adverse eventsHigher odds ratioCervical pathologyEpidural hematomaTF injectionSpinal injectionEpidural injectionSpecific complicationsAdult patientsCase reportComorbidity indexP27. Renal transplant patients at increased odds off many perioperative adverse events following lumbar laminotomy/discectomy
Gouzoulis M, Seddio A, Zhu J, Day W, Jabbouri S, Rubio D, Grauer J. P27. Renal transplant patients at increased odds off many perioperative adverse events following lumbar laminotomy/discectomy. The Spine Journal 2024, 24: s76. DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.06.048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere adverse eventsHistory of renal transplantationUrinary tract infectionRenal transplantationAcute kidney injuryAdverse eventsMinor adverse eventsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexIncreased oddsCurrent Procedural TerminologyTract infectionsLumbar discectomyKidney injuryED visitsIncreased odds of acute kidney injuryOdds of acute kidney injuryOdds ratioOdds of ED visitsKaplan-Meier survival curvesDays of follow-upRenal transplant groupRenal transplant patientsIncidence of reoperationRisk of reoperationOdds of sepsisP31. Testosterone replacement therapy associated with increased 90-day postoperative adverse events and 5-year reoperation following lumbar discectomy
Seddio A, Gouzoulis M, Smith-Voudouris J, Rubio D, Day W, Grauer J. P31. Testosterone replacement therapy associated with increased 90-day postoperative adverse events and 5-year reoperation following lumbar discectomy. The Spine Journal 2024, 24: s78. DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.06.052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTestosterone replacement therapyAcute kidney injuryLumbar discectomyAdverse eventsMale patientsOdds ratioCurrent Procedural TerminologyReoperation ratePostoperative outcomesElixhauser Comorbidity IndexPostoperative recoveryMultivariate analysisSingle-level lumbar discectomyTestosterone replacement therapy patientsMyocardial infarctionOrthopedic surgeryKaplan-Meier survival analysisEmergency departmentLumbar spinal proceduresLog-rank testMonths of surgeryRetrospective cohort studyPostoperative adverse eventsEnhanced postoperative recoveryMinor adverse eventsOne- versus Three-- Level Fusion in Patients Undergoing Multilevel Lumbar Decompression: Relative Perioperative Risks and Five-year Revisions.
Ratnasamy P, Gouzoulis M, Jabbouri S, Rubio D, Grauer J. One- versus Three-- Level Fusion in Patients Undergoing Multilevel Lumbar Decompression: Relative Perioperative Risks and Five-year Revisions. Spine 2024 PMID: 39190416, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000005130.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOne-level fusionLumbar decompressionThree-level fusionPostoperative adverse eventsAdverse eventsOdds ratioElixhauser Comorbidity IndexPatient ageFive-year survivalOdds of perioperative complicationsLumbar decompression patientsPerioperative complicationsDecompression patientsPerioperative riskFusion patientsSpinal reoperationLumbar fusionReoperationComorbidity indexMultivariate analysisPatientsClinical interestDecompressionFusion levelsOdds