Perioperative inpatient falls for anterior cervical discectomy and fusion patients are on the rise: Risk factors associated with this “never event”
Seddio A, Jabbouri S, Gouzoulis M, Vasudevan R, Halperin S, Varthi A, Rubio D, Grauer J. Perioperative inpatient falls for anterior cervical discectomy and fusion patients are on the rise: Risk factors associated with this “never event”. The Spine Journal 2024 PMID: 39631462, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.11.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInpatient fallsLength of stayMultivariate logistic regressionAnterior cervical discectomyInpatient ACDFElixhauser Comorbidity IndexMultidisciplinary fall prevention programAnnual incidenceRisk factorsInpatient fall preventionFall prevention programsLogistic regressionNational sample of patientsCervical discectomyNational Quality ForumSocioeconomically disadvantaged patientsHistory of dementiaUnderweight body mass indexACDF patientsObese BMI >Posterior cervical proceduresBody mass indexMulti-level ACDFAdult patientsQuality ForumInflammatory bowel disease is associated with greater odds of complications following posterior lumbar fusion and further amplified for patients exposed to monoclonal antibody biologics
Seddio A, Katsnelson B, Smith-Voudouris J, Gouzoulis M, Day W, Jabbouri S, Vasudevan R, Rubio D, Grauer J. Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with greater odds of complications following posterior lumbar fusion and further amplified for patients exposed to monoclonal antibody biologics. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2024, 20: 100574. DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2024.100574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosterior lumbar fusionInflammatory bowel diseaseOdds ratioNational Inpatient SampleElixhauser Comorbidity IndexLumbar fusionBowel diseaseKaplan-Meier survival analysisEmergency departmentInflammatory bowel disease patientsLog-rank testMinor adverse eventsNon-IBD patientsIn-hospital dataMultivariate logistic regressionAssociated with greater oddsElevated odds ratiosReoperation rateSurgical complicationsSpine surgeryInferior outcomesPearlDiver databasePost-discharge outcomesAdult patientsAdverse eventsThe incidence, providers involved, and patient factors associated with diagnosis of specific lumbar spine pathology subsequent an initial nonspecific low back pain diagnosis
Seddio A, Jabbouri S, Gouzoulis M, Sanchez J, Day W, Varthi A, Rubio D, Grauer J. The incidence, providers involved, and patient factors associated with diagnosis of specific lumbar spine pathology subsequent an initial nonspecific low back pain diagnosis. The Spine Journal 2024 PMID: 39505011, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.10.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow back painPrimary care providersLow back pain diagnosisNS-LBPInternational Classification of DiseasesLumbar spine pathologyHistory of cancerSpecialty providersOpioid use disorderNonspecific low back painSpine pathologyBack pain diagnosisPCP providersFactors associated with diagnosisClassification of DiseasesUse disorderLBP managementLBP symptomsNational administrative databaseCare providersBack painFamily medicineAdult patientsProvider specialtyPain diagnosisComparable Overall Risk of Neurologic Adverse Events Following Cervicothoracic Interlaminar and Transforaminal Epidural Injections: An Analysis of 1.29 Million Patients.
Seddio A, McNamara K, Gouzoulis M, Jabbouri S, Vasudevan R, Day W, Ratnasamy P, Rubio D, Grauer J. Comparable Overall Risk of Neurologic Adverse Events Following Cervicothoracic Interlaminar and Transforaminal Epidural Injections: An Analysis of 1.29 Million Patients. Spine 2024 PMID: 39394649, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000005181.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeurological adverse eventsAdverse eventsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexNeurological complicationsOdds ratioEpidural spinal injectionsInterlaminar (ILTransforaminal epidural injectionsAssociated with specific complicationsTransforaminal (TFNerve root injuryRisk of complicationsAssociated with higher odds ratiosMultivariate logistic regressionRisk of neurological adverse eventsHigher odds ratioCervical pathologyEpidural hematomaTF injectionSpinal injectionEpidural injectionSpecific complicationsAdult patientsCase reportComorbidity index35. Comparable risk of adverse events following cervicothoracic interlaminar and transforaminal epidural injections: an analysis of 1.29 million patients
Seddio A, McNamara K, Gouzoulis M, Jabbouri S, Ratnasamy P, Rubio D, Grauer J. 35. Comparable risk of adverse events following cervicothoracic interlaminar and transforaminal epidural injections: an analysis of 1.29 million patients. The Spine Journal 2024, 24: s19. DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.06.478.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdverse eventsSpinal neurologic deficitsStatistically significant differenceCurrent Procedural TerminologyElixhauser Comorbidity IndexEpidural injectionAdult patientsNeurological deficitsAdverse outcomesMultivariate analysisED visitsIncidence of adverse eventsEpidural spinal injectionsTransforaminal epidural injectionsEmergency departmentTransforaminal (TFRisk of adverse eventsSignificant differenceRetrospective cohort studyMinor adverse eventsSampled adult patientsOutcome measures IncidencePotential adverse eventsSpinal injectionPatient ageTrends in management of odontoid fractures 2010–2021
Gouzoulis M, Seddio A, Rancu A, Jabbouri S, Moran J, Varthi A, Rubio D, Grauer J. Trends in management of odontoid fractures 2010–2021. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2024, 20: 100553. PMID: 39381260, PMCID: PMC11459689, DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2024.100553.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOdontoid fracturesSurgical interventionPredictive factorsAdult patientsManagement of odontoid fracturesPosterior stabilizationMethods Adult patientsNon-clinical factorsRate of surgerySampled adult patientsYearly rateAnterior surgeryPosterior surgeryNonoperative careSurgical managementNonsurgical treatmentClinical factorsMale sexPosterior approachMultivariate analysisMedicare insuranceFracture managementSurgeryPatientsMidwest United States
Low Back Pain: Utilization of Urgent Cares Relative to Emergency Departments
Dhodapkar M, Modrak M, Halperin S, Gouzoulis M, Rubio D, Grauer J. Low Back Pain: Utilization of Urgent Cares Relative to Emergency Departments. Spine 2023, 49: 513-517. PMID: 37982595, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000004880.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow back painElixhauser Comorbidity IndexUrgent care centersEmergency departmentUrgent careBack painED visitsED utilizationCare centerAdvanced imagingUrgent care useUrgent care visitsDays of diagnosisSetting of traumaSpinal cord injuryYears of ageComorbidity indexInfectious diagnosisCare visitsLBP patientsMost patientsRecent surgeryAdult patientsPatient ageED patientsIncidental Durotomy After Posterior Lumbar Decompression Surgery Associated With Increased Risk for Venous Thromboembolism
Gouzoulis M, Joo P, Caruana D, Kammien A, Rubio D, Grauer J. Incidental Durotomy After Posterior Lumbar Decompression Surgery Associated With Increased Risk for Venous Thromboembolism. Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2023, 31: e445-e450. PMID: 36727948, DOI: 10.5435/jaaos-d-22-00917.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLumbar decompression surgeryPosterior lumbar decompression surgeryRisk of VTEVenous thromboembolismIncidental durotomyDecompression surgeryMultivariate analysisOdds of VTETiming of VTEMore VTEDecompression patientsDurotomy groupPatient demographicsPulmonary embolismAdult patientsDegenerative etiologyBed restLumbar laminectomyPatient recoveryUnivariate analysisSpinal surgeryAdministrative codingDurotomySurgeryPatients