Opioid-Sparing Protocol Comparing With Opioid-based Protocol After Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty
Health Professionals
What is the purpose of this trial?
The concern for the opioid use in the total knee arthroplasty continues to rise in recent decades. Historically, the total knee arthroplasty consumed high doses opioids in the postoperative periods. Compared to the Opioid-Based patient controlled analgesia(PCA), the opioid-sparing protocol may have benefits to decrease the concerns of the opioid use and opioid-related complication and provides the equivalent efficacy for pain control. The purpose of this trial in to provide a novel opioid-sparing protocol (OSP) to evaluate the efficacy for pain control and reducing the immediate postoperative opioid consumption.
- Ages20 years - 90 years
- GenderBoth
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Principal Investigator
- Last Updated07/23/2024
- Study HIC#2000031881