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Population Activity in Vertebrate Brains

Population Signals

When a low magnification objective is used to form an image of a vertebrate preparation in an ordinary light microscope, each pixel of the camera receives light from hundreds or thousands of neurons and processes. Now, the signals are the population average of the membrane potential or calcium concentration changes in those neurons. These population signals monitor coherent activity, i.e. those events that involve simultaneous changes in activity of some of the neurons in the imaged region.

Odorant elicited activity in the turtle and mouse olfactory bulbs

We made maps of the input to the olfactory bulb. We stained the olfactory receptor neurons in the nose with Calcium Green - dextran and waited for several days to allow the dye to be transported to the receptor nerve terminals in the olfactory bulb. In in vivo measurements we applied odorant stimuli to the nose and measured the changes in calcium concentration in the receptor neuron nerve terminals in the olfactory bulb glomeruli.


The traces at the bottom of Figure 1 show the time course of the responses to two odorants, cineole and hexanone, from three locations on the turtle olfactory bulb. While the time courses of the response are approximately the same everywhere in the bulb and the same for both odorants, the size of the response from the three areas were different for the two odorants. We characterized the response by measuring the signal amplitude and making the pseudo-color plots of amplitude versus position shown in the top two frames. Red is the largest signal and purple is no detected signal. Clearly, the maps of activity for the two odorants are quite different and such maps could be used for odor recognition.

What happens when the odorant concentration is changed? The results in Figure 2 show the maps for two odorants at three different concentrations. The top row is isoamyl acetate and the bottom is cineole. Again, the maps of activity are different for the two odorants. In addition, the maps remain consistently different over this substantial concentration range. Thus, the turtle could recognize odorants in a concentration invariant way just by reading the maps of input. Others have speculated that piriform cortex is organized as an association cortex and thus could have the role of map reader.


The results of similar experiments in the mouse are different. In the mouse the maps change with odorant concentration; more glomeruli are activated with increasing concentration. Figure 3 shows (now using a gray scale) the responses to two concentrations of two odorants, hexanone and butanone. The left panels show that at the low concentration the odorants activated only a small number of glomeruli. At the high concentration (right panels) the odorants activated many more glomeruli. Thus, the maps in the mouse are not concentration invariant at the level of the input to the bulb. Processing must be needed to generate concentration invariance.

Future plans

We have achieved specific labeling of the mitral/tufted neurons, the output neurons of the bulb with genetically encoded voltage and calcium indicators. Comparison of the maps of input and output would make an important contribution to understanding the functional role of the olfactory bulb.


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