Program in Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Repair
Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s, and injuries to the brain and spinal cord from trauma or stroke are among the most feared of the disorders that afflict humankind.
The economic impact of these diseases is massive, and their toll in human suffering is incalculable. According to the National Institute on Aging, the direct and indirect costs of caring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease alone are at least $100 billion per year. With a rapidly aging population, the challenges that neurodegenerative diseases pose for our society will only increase.
Recent research has revealed of large number of promising potential targets for drugs aimed at slowing or preventing these disorders. In an effort to develop new knowledge on the mechanisms of these diseases and to aggressively translate these findings into effective therapies, the School of Medicine has formed a new interdepartmental program in Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Repair (CNNR). The Program brings together researchers who study basic aspects of neuronal cell biology with researchers who focus on neuronal disease with the expectation that synergy between these two approaches will accelerate the pace of Yale’s research on neurodegenerative diseases and nerve injury and repair.
The CNNR Program at Yale University School of Medicine is located at 100 College St.
About Us
The Program, established in 2006, aims to advance basic knowledge of nerve cell biology, to elucidate pathogenic mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, and to translate such insights into improved therapies.
Meet our Faculty
Discover the primary and affiliated faculty members of the CNNR
Upcoming Events
Yale Only Marco Colonna, MD - Robert Rock Belliveau, M.D. Professor of Pathology & Immunology Professor of Medicine
Everyone Nancy J. Brown, MD - Clemens Scherzer, MD - Xianjun Dong, PhD - Jason Liu - Stephen Strittmatter, MD, PhD, AB - Vlad Coric, MD - Thomas Biederer, PhD - Pietro De Camilli, MD - Sreeganga Chandra, PhD - Luke P. Lee - Jesse M. Cedarbaum, MD, FAAN (Neurology), FANA - Ana Vives-Rodriguez, MD
Yale Only Jaime Grutzendler, MD
Yale Only David Pitt, MD
Yale Only Emilia Favuzzi, PhD