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Localize Knowledge

Knowledge Localization includes the activities necessary to design and build a local CDS solution from the formal knowledge specification.

Knowledge Localization includes the activities necessary to design and build a local CDS solution from the formal knowledge specification. It also includes the project management and evaluation activities required to implement the CDS in clinical settings.

Much of the activity in the knowledge localization phase of a CDS project is performed closely with the final users of the CDS system and needs to consider local factors. GLIDES experience shows that successful implementation requires strong local engagement of clinicians and IT personnel. For example, clinical policies, terminology, workflow and EHR screen structures tend to work differently across clinical locations. The CDS design must therefore be capable of being customized to reflect these local factors.

Learn more about efforts at Alliance of Chicago to customize and redeploy Asthma CDS originally developed at Yale.


  • Output from the Knowledge Formalization activity is analyzed and enhanced to create structured rules that can be executed by the implementation site’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.
  • Clinical workflow will be analyzed and potentially changed to integrate the new CDS interventions. . Clinicians and other end-users should be closely involved in the design and development of workflow changes.
  • In this activity, the User Interface (UI) design work for the CDS is completed, working closely with users. Exactly how this phase progresses will be dependent on the systems design methods in place for the EMR at the implementation site.

  • Information Technology (IT) teams, and potentially EHR vendors, will build and test the CDS intervention systems and integrate it into the EHR.
  • The CDS project is deployed into clinical use, and its impact on users, patients and other stakeholders is evaluated. Rigorous project management is necessary for successful implementation.

Overview of Premie CDS at CHOP

Christoph Lehmann: Better Use of Your Data: Leveraging Clinical Decision Support