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The facility consists of 7 microscopes, each specialized for a specific application. The center also has four image workstations.

Leica SP5 Confocal Microscope

The SP5 has 5 channel detectors, allowing for up to five dyes for simultaneous scanning. Two of the detectors are Leica's HyD detectors. These detectors have the advantage of very low noise and high sensitivity. The system is equipped with four lasers, 405nm, a multi line Argon, 561nM and 633nm.

Stellaris 8 DIVE Multiphoton Microscope

The Stellaris 8 is an inverted scanning confocal microscope equipped with a 405nm and a White Light Laser which is tunable between 440nm and 790nm. Together with the 4 PowerHyD detectors, this increased range and sensitivity allows for the imaging of additional dyes in the far red wavelengths. These new generation detectors are able to gather fluorescence lifetime information (Tao Sense) which is useful for dye separation as well as background removal.

This microscope is adapted to examine both fixed and live specimens with a temperature and CO2 controlled incubation chamber stage insert.

This system is also equipped for multiphoton fluorescence imaging with a Spectra Physics MaiTai laser. Multiphoton imaging is particularly useful for imaging of fluorescence deep into tissues (up to 200 micrometers) with bleaching limited to focal planes. The output wavelength of the MaiTai is tunable from ~700-1020 nm.

Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan Confocal Microscope

The 880 is a point scanning confocal microscope and makes use of an airyscan detector to achieve a 1.7x increase in resolution over standard confocal microscopes. An additional benefit is a 4-8x improvement in signal to noise. With the fast mode the 880 can collect 27 frames per second (at 480 x 480 pixels). The microscope is fitted with a temperature and CO2 controlled environmental chamber for extended live cell imaging.

Leica SP8 Gated STED 3X Super Resolution

The Leica TCS SP8 Gated STED 3X super-resolution microscope is based on the STED (STimulated Emission Depletion) principle. It provides fast, intuitive, and purely optical access to study subcellular architecture and dynamics at the nanoscale. Resolution can be increased 5 fold compared to diffraction limited confocal systems.

The microscope is equipped with a 405nm laser and a tunable (460nm-660nm) pulsed white light laser for excitation. Two PMT detectors and two HyD detectors are available for tunable spectral detection. Three STED depletion lasers (592nm, 660nm, and 775nm) make 3 dye super-resolution possible. For live cell imaging a temperature and CO2 controlled chamber is available along with a resonate scanner which is capable of scan speeds 10x faster than traditional galvanometric scanners.

The Leica LAS-X software interacts seamlessly with Huygens STED deconvolution software for image enhancement through Leica’s integrated hyvolution interface.

Bruker Opterra II Swept Field Microscope

This microscope can collect images as quickly as 500 fps, and is particularly useful for live cell imaging. The microscope uses one dimensional pinhole arrays or slits for increased acquisition rate while maintaining confocal resolution and elimination of crosstalk, a common problem associated with spinning disk confocals. A pair of EMCCD cameras enable 2 color simultaneous imaging, allowing the fast acquisition rate. The cameras sensitivity ensures minimized photobleaching and phototoxicity in live cells and embryos. The system is equipped with a live cell incubation chamber for control of temperature, humidity and CO2. Additionally, the microscope has a photo activation module with 405 and 488nm lasers.

Bruker Luxendo Light Sheet Microscope

The Luxendo uses a sheet of laser light to illuminate a thin slice of your sample. Objectives places perpendicular to the light sheet collect fluorescence signal which is then imaged with a pair of high speed sCMOS cameras. The benefit of imaging with a light sheet is a drastic reduction in photobleaching and phototoxicity. The gentle sample handling of the Luxendo is especially useful for long term 3D imaging of specimens such as larvae, embryos, organoids etc. The liquid filled specimen chamber is filled with aqueous media/buffer and can be heated or cooled.

Bruker Vutara 352 Super Resolution Microscope

This microscope is based on single molecule localization techniques (PALM, STORM etc). The laser system consists of a 405 activation laser and 488nm, 560nm, 640nm 1000mW imaging lasers. The Vutara is capable of resolution down to 20nm in x,y and 50nm in z. A temperature and CO2 controlled chamber allows for long term studies.